Employee Experience
Employee Experience

Employee Experience

PROJECT NAME: Employee Onboarding ROLE: Facilitation, Behaviour Design, Design Thinking DATE: 10/02/2019

About the project

The onboarding experience at Ericsson was a real pain point for newly employees

The challenge

How to re-design and make it more smooth the onboarding of new employees on all levels.

Ideation process

Together with HR we ran a series of meetings and planned to run a Design Sprint focusing on the new employees journey. Interviewing hiring managers an newly hired's we discovered the main issues and the gaps.

Creation process

The creation process was design sprint and the mapping of the new employees journey.

The processes were followed in this order:

  • Design sprint
  • Desk Research
  • Interviews
  • Personas
  • Journey Mapping
  • Golden Path
  • Brainstorming and Crazy 8's
  • Prioritization
  • Impact/Effort Matrix


-New onboarding process designed and launched

-Interactive video with institutional information about Ericsson and costumized job offer


Hi 👋 I'm Adri!Hi 👋 I'm Adri!

Let's connect.

📧 Email address : dribortolotto@gmail.com

🔗 LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/adrianabortolotto/

Vila Mariana, São Paulo, SP

Phone: +55 (11) 98162 1123

© 2020 Adriana Bortolotto

Notion + Super ⚡️